Saturday, November 11, 2017

How Overthinker Thinks and How to Overcome It?

How overthinking people think? As one of them, I can share my perspective about this.

Overthinking is not as simple you might think. It is not just about making a plan with a backup plan and another plan, and another plan, and another… okay that is enough. It is related to fear and anxiety.

Overthinking also does not recognize what is so called as ‘Time’. I could regret things I did in the past. I could fear of what kind of future I might face later on.

In the end overthinking does not see things whether it is big or small. It could happen in any size.

Let us take an example to make it clear. Overthinkers sometimes hard to decide what to eat for lunch. It is not because they are picky but because they overthink about it. Does this food healthy enough? How much calories does it contain? Do I deserve this kind of meal? How much money I have spent on food this month including my next lunch? Last week I got diarrhea, is it okay for me to eat this? Does this food also exist on Antarctica (okay this is certainly a joke, but you get my point)?

That is just a simple example. But how can we overcome overthinking? The not ‘overthinker’ will say “Do not think and it will be alright!”

Well, technically it is true. But not all overthinking person is stupid enough not to realize that. Personally, I have tried it myself and did not quite work.

With that being said, i will try to explain one method that I used to calm myself when overthinking strikes. Makes everything you doubt into only YES or NO question and ignore everything that does not have a YES or NO as an answer. It is as simple as that.

Taking the lunch example once again. at first glance you will ask yourself What lunch should I have for today? Change it into, Is anything I eat for lunch, okay? If it is a yes, you are done. If it is a no, ask yourself again, using a YES or NO question. Do not ask yourself, what should I eat then? But ask it like, Can I eat steak today?

NEVER use who, what, where, when, why, how when you are in doubt. Remember, use this only when you think you overthink this a bit too much.

With only two option, YES or NO, you will limit yourself to only ‘overthink’ about that YES or NO. you cannot say other than that.

Make this into a Tree flow diagram. It should look like this.

I hope this method also works for you. If not, feel free to ask me for help on Have a nice Weekend!